Investing News

The price-to-earnings ratio (P/E) is one of the most widely used metrics for investors and analysts to determine stock valuation. In addition to showing whether a company’s stock price is overvalued or undervalued, the P/E can reveal how a stock’s valuation compares to its industry group or a benchmark like the S&P 500 index. The P/E ratio helps investors determine the market value
Don’t churn. Avoid unauthorized trading. Don’t forge documents. Don’t give false or misleading information. Preserve client confidentiality. Above all, don’t steal or “borrow” your clients’ money. These practices are all standard protocols for financial advisors. However, there are less obvious guidelines you need to adhere to so you can avoid getting sued as a financial advisor. In 2019, the
Bitcoin has not only been a trendsetter, ushering in a wave of cryptocurrencies built on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, but also has become the de facto standard for cryptocurrencies, inspiring an ever-growing legion of followers and spinoffs. Key Takeaways A cryptocurrency, broadly defined, is a form of digital tokens or “coins” that exist on a
In recent decades, consumers have become increasingly dependent on credit. When you use credit, you are borrowing money that you promise to pay back within a specified period. Having lenders extend you credit is a great privilege. If you have a good credit rating, enjoy it. Also, use credit responsibly. Credit is fragile—one slip-up can
The never-ending reports of breaches and hacks prove that your sensitive financial and personal data isn’t necessarily safe, particularly when it comes to credit cards. One of the largest data breaches involved Capital One. The credit card company reported that personal information of 106 million of its customers had been compromised in July 2019. Data
Apple, Inc. (NASDAQ: AAPL) designs, manufactures and markets mobile communication and media devices, personal computers (PCs), and portable digital music players. The company’s products and services include the iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Apple Watch. All of Apple’s segments produced higher sales and operating income in 2018. The company manages its business by geographic area. Below,
Natural resources are commodities, the raw inputs used to make everything we use, from intermediate goods to finished products. These resources are found in the earth among reserves yet to be extracted. Renewable resources are those with supply not diminished by use, including solar power, wind power and hydroelectric energy. Nonrenewable resources like fossil fuels
The financial crisis of 2007-2008 was years in the making. By the summer of 2007, financial markets around the world were showing signs that the reckoning was overdue for a years-long binge on cheap credit. Two Bear Stearns hedge funds had collapsed, BNP Paribas was warning investors that they might not be able to withdraw
If you’re looking to invest in S&P 500 stocks, but don’t have the temperament to sift through and analyze the financial fundamentals of 500 individual companies, an S&P 500 Index fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF) can help you gain exposure to all those stocks—without the grueling analysis. The S&P 500 Index tracks the largest and
Smartphone maker Xiaomi Corp. filed for its initial public offering (IPO) in early May of 2018. The Beijing-based company, headed by co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Lei Jun, generates revenue through four primary business segments: smartphones, Internet of Things (IoT) and lifestyle products, internet services, and miscellaneous additional services and products. The company ambitiously anticipated an enterprise value of as much as $100
For people of a certain persuasion, it’s fun to make fun of Microsoft (MSFT). It’s outdated and occasionally bloated software. An operating system version so despised that most users refused to upgrade from its predecessor and instead waited for its replacement. A browser that once held 95% of world market share, no longer leads in
Chances are that you or someone you know has experienced a layoff at some point. No matter how stable and safe your career might seem, getting the so-called pink slip can happen to anyone. Indeed, the 2020 economic crisis and lockdown has been the epitome of unexpected. Nearly 21 million people were unemployed in May